Delete Link ?
This action cannot be undone.
+ included_file - excluded_fileCheck out the documentation about rsync filters
# We send the references (design, bible, # storyboard) to the other studios. # The option « rsync --delete » is set because # our studio is the only one to add files # here, so we can propagate file deletions and # renaming + /refs/ + /refs/**
{ "_id": "lnk_01GQ80S6H2J1YR97YR0EQ6K531", "author": "support", "enable": true, "include": "# We send the references (design, bible,\n# storyboard) to the other studios.\n# The option « rsync --delete » is set because\n# our studio is the only one to add files\n# here, so we can propagate file deletions and\n# renaming\n\n+ /refs/\n+ /refs/**\n", "name": "references", "rsync_args": "--delete", "src_id": "vol_01FWEWD03P3J2H98TQ0Y4AXF3H", "tgt_id": "hub_01FX33ZYB78E9F5FTZMKC96A4P", "time": 1674232764962, "timeBegin": "2023-12-15 11:18:54+00:00", "timeEnd": "2023-12-15 11:19:03+00:00", "timeRead": "2023-12-15 11:18:54+00:00" }API Reference