Demo Studio5 Anim
A volume is a data storage area accessible through the network. It can be located in a company connected to Internet or in a data center. Read the volume documentation for more details about volumes.

Studio 5 - Anim Shanghaï

No route to host. Check volume's IP address and port



Rsync filters are used to include or exclude specific files or directories during the synchronization process.
Check out the documentation to find out more.
# We automatically send to the server the
# shots we write in our local publish
# folder:

+ /pub/
+ /pub/sequence/
+ /pub/sequence/**
# we want to receive every references from
# the producer (designs, color, storyboard,
# animatic)

+ /refs/
+ /refs/**

# we add the option rsync --delete so the
# producer can clean the refs folder we have
# on our local server
# we want to continuously receive every
# assets and sequences which were
# approved by the producer's studio

+ /asset/
+ /asset/**
+ /sequence/
+ /sequence/**

# we want the producer to be able to clean
# these local folders so we add the option
# rsync --delete to this link
# This studio receives a local copy of the
# specific tools used by the production

+ /tools/
+ /tools/**

# The option rsync --delete is used on this
# link so we get an exact copy of the
# producer's tools (continuous integration)


aN/aN/aN aN:aN:aN emitted queued


aN/aN/aN aN:aN:aN received queued


aN/aN/aN aN:aN:aN (NaN'NaN")

Rsync Options

Rsync provides a wide range of options that enable you to customize its behaviour and control various aspects of file transfer.
Check out the documentation to find out more.
--recursive --times --omit-dir-times --update --compress


  • 05/10/23 13:33:38 GMT
    An ERROR (255) occurred
  • 05/10/23 13:33:48 GMT
    Studio5 Anim was DISABLED
  • 05/10/23 15:05:29 GMT
    Studio5 Anim was ENABLED
  • 16/04/24 16:23:21 GMT
    Studio5 Anim is ENABLED but MALFUNCTIONING



Host Name

Your current IP address is ::ffff:

SSH Port Number

User Name

.ssh/authorized_keys :
ssh-rsa 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 demohub@syncplanet


"_id": "vol_01FWEWD03P2A13ZWQS3VAWEXAE",
"agentExitTime": "2023-10-05 13:33:48+00:00",
"agentStartTime": "2023-10-05 15:05:29+00:00",
"agentStatus": "on",
"author": "support",
"bytesRemaining": 1501409788,
"bytesTotal": 9582540492,
"bytesUsed": 8080590032,
"dockerImage": "syncplanet/sync2:1.1.1",
"enable": true,
"error": 255,
"geoloc": [121.45806,31.22222],
"lastConnectionStatusChange": 1696512818000,
"lastErrorStatusChange": 1696512818000,
"longName": "Studio 5 - Anim Shanghaï",
"name": "5anim",
"rsyncVersion": "3.2.3",
"shortName": "Studio5 Anim",
"time": 1603117017286,
"version": "1.1.1"
API Reference