Demo Studio6 Light deliveries
Un enlace permite definir con precisión qué archivos se transfieren automáticamente entre 2 volúmenes o hubs en una dirección. En la pestaña «Parámetros» puede configurar los filtros para este enlace concreto, que se transmiten al software rsync.


Rsync Filters

# we render the images in a separate folder
# that is sent continuously to the server

+ /renders/
+ /renders/**

# we put the option rsync --delete because we
# are the only studio to write here and we
# can clean the renders directly from our
# side

Rsync Options

--recursive --times --omit-dir-times --update --compress


  • 24/04/24 19:29:47 GMT
    deliveries process is RUNNING




"_id": "lnk_01G0J6XADSJC3NS8A7VQ5774HK",
"author": "remy",
"enable": true,
"include": "# we render the images in a separate folder\n# that is sent continuously to the server\n\n+ /renders/\n+ /renders/**\n\n# we put the option rsync --delete because we\n# are the only studio to write here and we\n# can clean the renders directly from our\n# side\n",
"name": "deliveries",
"rsync_args": "--delete",
"src_id": "vol_01FWEWD03N71ZWJJD61RCBWXZ0",
"tgt_id": "hub_01FX33ZYB78E9F5FTZMKC96A4P",
"time": 1649878673849
API Reference