Demo Studio1 Prod approvals
A link allow to precisely define what files are automatically transfered between a volume and a hub in one direction. In the «Parameters» tab, we can specify the filter rules used by the underlying rsync for this specific link. Read the link documentation for more details about links.


Rsync Filters

Rsync filters are used to include or exclude specific files or directories during the synchronization process.
Check out the documentation to find out more.
# The producer reviews the delivered files
# and copy them to the final folders if
# approved. We send these files to the
# server so they can be used by the next
# stage:

+ /asset/
+ /asset/**
+ /sequence/
+ /sequence/**

# The producer is the only studio writing to
# these folders and would like to be able to
# make an identical copy in the other
# studios so we add the option rsync
# --delete

Rsync Options

Rsync provides a wide range of options that enable you to customize its behaviour and control various aspects of file transfer.
Check out the documentation to find out more.
--recursive --times --omit-dir-times --update --compress


  • 15/12/23 11:19:34 GMT
    approvals was READ
  • 15/12/23 11:19:34 GMT
    approvals process was STARTED
  • 15/12/23 11:20:46 GMT
    approvals process ENDED
  • 19/04/24 04:04:32 GMT
    approvals process is IDLE




"_id": "lnk_01GQA6JXSGR133ZYX64BFB8VR9",
"author": "remy",
"enable": true,
"include": "# The producer reviews the delivered files\n# and copy them to the final folders if\n# approved. We send these files to the\n# server so they can be used by the next\n# stage:\n\n+ /asset/\n+ /asset/**\n+ /sequence/\n+ /sequence/**\n\n# The producer is the only studio writing to\n# these folders and would like to be able to\n# make an identical copy in the other\n# studios so we add the option rsync\n# --delete\n",
"name": "approvals",
"rsync_args": "--delete",
"src_id": "vol_01FWEWD03P3J2H98TQ0Y4AXF3H",
"tgt_id": "hub_01FX33ZYB78E9F5FTZMKC96A4P",
"time": 1674305959727,
"timeBegin": "2023-12-15 11:19:34+00:00",
"timeEnd": "2023-12-15 11:20:46+00:00",
"timeRead": "2023-12-15 11:19:34+00:00"
API Reference