Un volumen es un espacio de almacenamiento a sincronizar. Puede estar localizado en una empresa conectada a Internet o en un centro de datos

Movie Production



# We want to receive every references from
# the producer (designs, color, storyboard,
# animatic):

+ /refs/
+ /refs/**

# We want the producer to be able to clean
# our local refs folder so we add the option
# rsync --delete to this link
# We want to receive every references from
# the producer (designs, color, storyboard,
# animatic):

+ /refs/
+ /refs/**

# We add the option rsync --delete so the
# producer can clean the refs folder we have
# on our local server
# From the references sent by the producer,
# we take the color key shots and the
# storyboard

+ /refs/
+ /refs/animatic/
+ /refs/animatic/**
+ /refs/color/
+ /refs/color/**
+ /refs/storyboard/
+ /refs/storyboard/**

# the rsync option --delete is set on this
# link so the producer can also delete or
# rename the files on our side
# This studio receives the references from
# the producer (designs, color, storyboard,
# animatic):

+ /refs/
+ /refs/**

# This studio also constantly receives the
# approved assets that are used to populate
# the shot scenes:

+ /asset/
+ /asset/**

# We want the producer to be able to clean
# our local refs folder so we add the option
# rsync --delete to this link
# The producer receives the published files
# from the other studios. If a file or
# directory name contains the characters
# "wip", we exclude it:

+ /pub/
+ /pub/asset/
+ /pub/sequence/
- *wip*
+ /pub/asset/**
+ /pub/sequence/**
# we want to receive every references from
# the producer (designs, color, storyboard,
# animatic)

+ /refs/
+ /refs/**

# we add the option rsync --delete so the
# producer can clean the refs folder we have
# on our local server
# We receive from the producer the references
# we need (the animated storyboard and color
# tests) for our lighting/shading department:

+ /refs/
+ /refs/animatic/
+ /refs/animatic/**
+ /refs/color/
+ /refs/color/**

# The producer can clean the refs we have on
# our local server
# we want to receive the output rendered
# images from the studio which does the
# lighting and rendering where the render
# farm is located

+ /renders/
+ /renders/++

# we add the --delete so the render farm can
# render again in place (using the same
# folders, removed frame are also deleted on
# target)
final assets
# we want to get a local copy of every
# published assets and scenes which were
# approved by the producer (studio 1)

+ /asset/
+ /asset/**
+ /sequence/
+ /sequence/**
# we want to continuously receive every
# assets and sequences which were
# approved by the producer's studio

+ /asset/
+ /asset/**
+ /sequence/
+ /sequence/**

# we want the producer to be able to clean
# these local folders so we add the option
# rsync --delete to this link
# This studio receives a local copy of the
# specific tools used by the production

+ /tools/
+ /tools/**

# The option rsync --delete is used on this
# link so we get an exact copy of the
# producer's tools (continuous integration)
# This studio receives a local copy of the
# specific tools used by the production

+ /tools/
+ /tools/**

# The option rsync --delete is used on this
# link so we get an exact copy of the
# producer's tools (continuous integration)
# This studio receives a local copy of the
# specific tools used by the production

+ /tools/
+ /tools/**

# The option rsync --delete is used on this
# link so we get an exact copy of the
# producer's tools (continuous integration)
# This studio receives a local copy of the
# specific tools used by the production

+ /tools/
+ /tools/**

# The option rsync --delete is used on this
# link so we get an exact copy of the
# producer's tools (continuous integration)
# This studio receives a local copy of the
# specific tools used by the production

+ /tools/
+ /tools/**

# The option rsync --delete is used on this
# link so we get an exact copy of the
# producer's tools (continuous integration)
# This studio receives a local copy of the
# specific tools used by the production

+ /tools/
+ /tools/**

# The option rsync --delete is used on this
# link so we get an exact copy of the
# producer's tools (continuous integration)
# we render the images in a separate folder
# that is sent continuously to the server

+ /renders/
+ /renders/**

# we put the option rsync --delete because we
# are the only studio to write here and we
# can clean the renders directly from our
# side
# We automatically send to the server the
# shots we write in our local publish folder.
# We also publish the basic layout versions
# of the assets (bounding boxes, etc):

+ /pub/
+ /pub/asset/
+ /pub/asset/**
+ /pub/sequence/
+ /pub/sequence/**
# We automatically send to the server the
# shots we write in our local publish
# folder:

+ /pub/
+ /pub/sequence/
+ /pub/sequence/**
# We automatically send to the server the
# assets we write in our local publish
# folder. Excluding our local files
# containing "wip":

+ /pub/
+ /pub/asset/
- *wip*
+ /pub/asset/**
# We send the files we write in our local
# publish folder, but not the "wip" files:

+ /pub/
+ /pub/asset/
- *wip*
+ /pub/asset/**
# The producer sends the software for the
# pipeline in continuous integration (CI):

+ /tools/
+ /tools/**

# The option: rsync --delete is set (see the
# eraser icon) to have an identical copy at
# destination (local file deletion and
# renaming at source are passed on
# destination)
# We send the references (design, bible,
# storyboard) to the other studios.
# The option rsync --delete is set because
# our studio is the only one to add files
# here, so we can delete and rename

+ /refs/
+ /refs/**
# The producer reviews the delivered files
# and copy them to the final folders if
# approved. We send these files to the
# server so they can be used by the next
# stage:

+ /asset/
+ /asset/**
+ /sequence/
+ /sequence/**

# The producer is the only studio writing to
# these folders and would like to be able to
# make an identical copy in the other
# studios so we add the option rsync
# --delete


aN/aN/aN aN:aN:aN emitted queued


aN/aN/aN aN:aN:aN received queued


aN/aN/aN aN:aN:aN (NaN'NaN")

Rsync Options

--recursive --times --omit-dir-times --update --compress


  • 26/04/24 01:35:04 GMT




Your current IP address is



.ssh/authorized_keys :
ssh-rsa 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 demohub@syncplanet


# Movie Production Demo

This example is showing the data flows for a fictional 3D animated
movie production. 7 studios take part in the process:

* Studio 1 : head of production, storyboard, references, approvals
* Studio 2 : character development, modeling, rigging, shading
* Studio 3 : sets, modeling and shading
* Studio 4 : layout
* Studio 5 : animation
* Studio 6 : lighting, shading, rendering
* Studio 7 : compositing

Each studio is composed of several teams, waiting for input data to
process and having its output delivered to next team in the process.

A central storage (this « hub ») is used to organize the pickup and
delivery of the files (the studios are not directly connected)

The same folder tree and organization on the file system is shared by
everyone. The studios get and share the necessary files only. A file
is identified by its full path in the project's folder tree.

Each studio have a number of separate directed links that define
which files are sent or received. The links are processed
sequentially, one after the other, asynchronously for each studio.
Links have rsync filters to define which files are included and can
wear specific rsync options which are added to the global options.

Please navigate in the interface and you can find more details about
the filters and the options under each filter. Have a good visit and
please contact for any suggestion or request 💚

"_id": "hub_01FX33ZYB78E9F5FTZMKC96A4P",
"author": "support",
"bytesRemaining": 39450477204,
"bytesTotal": 57174604644,
"bytesUsed": 17724127439,
"comment": "# Movie Production Demo\n\nThis example is showing the data flows for a fictional 3D animated\nmovie production. 7 studios take part in the process:\n\n* Studio 1 : head of production, storyboard, references, approvals\n* Studio 2 : character development, modeling, rigging, shading\n* Studio 3 : sets, modeling and shading\n* Studio 4 : layout\n* Studio 5 : animation\n* Studio 6 : lighting, shading, rendering\n* Studio 7 : compositing\n\nEach studio is composed of several teams, waiting for input data to\nprocess and having its output delivered to next team in the process.\n\nA central storage (this « hub ») is used to organize the pickup and\ndelivery of the files (the studios are not directly connected)\n\nThe same folder tree and organization on the file system is shared by\neveryone. The studios get and share the necessary files only. A file\nis identified by its full path in the project's folder tree.\n\nEach studio have a number of separate directed links that define\nwhich files are sent or received. The links are processed\nsequentially, one after the other, asynchronously for each studio.\nLinks have rsync filters to define which files are included and can\nwear specific rsync options which are added to the global options.\n\nPlease navigate in the interface and you can find more details about\nthe filters and the options under each filter. Have a good visit and\nplease contact for any suggestion or request 💚\n\n\n",
"enable": true,
"error": 0,
"filters": "# Global RSYNC Filter Rules\n# The filters below are applied first\n# on every directions and volumes\n\n# skip hidden files\n- .*\n\n# skip backup files\n- *~\n\n# skip potential malware\n- *.dll\n- *.exe",
"geoloc": [3.17456,50.69421],
"hostname": "",
"image": "syncplanet/run:1.0.32",
"longName": "Movie Production",
"name": "demo",
"path": "/projects/demo/",
"rsaPublicKey": "ssh-rsa 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 demohub@syncplanet",
"rsync_args": "--recursive --times --omit-dir-times --update --compress",
"shortName": "Demo",
"time": 1639134611215,
"webhookURL": ""
API Reference